$value) { if ($value) { $line = preg_replace("/\\$$key/", "$value", $line); } else if ($value == "0") { $line = preg_replace("/\\$$key/", "$value", $line); } else { # If no value is given, remove the key from the string # Note special removal of additional ',' used in request templates $line = preg_replace("/\\$$key,?/", "", $line); } } # Remove any remaining unmatched $-strings - note the single quotes to correctly interpret '$' $line = preg_replace('/\$\w+/', "", $line); } return $line; } #################################################################################################################### function Output ($array, $replace=array()) { # Function to print an array, after modifying it with EditLine() foreach ($array as $line) { print EditLine($line, $replace); } } #################################################################################################################### function SpamCheck ( $message ) { # Return 'false' if any of our criteria for spam are met. # Message for sure too short if ( strlen($message) < 10 ) return false; # Message contains url if ( stripos(str_replace(" ","",$message),"ahref=") !== false ) return false; if ( stripos(str_replace(" ","",$message),"[url") !== false ) return false; if ( stripos(str_replace(" ","",$message),"[/url") !== false ) return false; if ( stripos(str_replace(" ","",$message),"http://") !== false ) return false; if ( stripos(str_replace(" ","",$message),"https://") !== false ) return false; return true; } #################################################################################################################### function Writefile ($filename, $output) { # Do the actual writing to file $fh = fopen("$filename", "w"); for ($i=0; $i\n"; print "VALD WWW interface\n"; print "\n"; print ""; print "
\n"; Output($topleft, $replace); print "\n"; Output($topright, $replace); print "
\n"; Output($navigation, $replace); print "\n"; Output($content, $replace); print "
"; } #################################################################################################################### function file_contents($dirname, $filename) { # Function that performs directory checking in order to avoid 'Directory Traversal' attacks. $dirnamelength = strlen($dirname); $filepath = realpath($dirname . $filename); # Now check that basedir did not change if (substr($filepath, 0, $dirnamelength) == $dirname) { $outputdata = file($dirname . $filename); } else { $outputdata[] = "Error in filename resolution\n"; } return $outputdata; } #################################################################################################################### function safe_mail($send_request_to, $subject, $mail_content, $send_request_from) { # Do some validation and cleaning before sending an email in order to avoid email header injection if (! preg_match('/\@localhost$/', $send_request_to)) { $send_request_to = filter_var($send_request_to, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } $subject = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),array(" "," "),$subject); if ($send_request_from) { $send_request_from = filter_var($send_request_from, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); } if (!($send_request_to && $mail_content)) { print "$send_request_to $send_request_from"; return false; } mail($send_request_to, $subject, $mail_content, "From: {$send_request_from}"); return true; } #################################################################################################################### # 2 - DEFINED CLASSES #################################################################################################################### class User { # Class to store user properties. Currently only the # email, and a boolean indicating if the user is # registered. # # This structure can later also be used for user preferences? var $localuser = False; var $registered = False; var $persconfig_file = ""; var $htmlconfig_file = ""; var $html_defaults = array(); function __construct ($email="") { $this->email = strtolower($email); } function Validate ($clients_register) { # This function checks the user's email address # agains the client register. $content = file($clients_register); foreach ($content as $line) { # Use regexp to extract full user names preg_match('/^#\$\s+(.*)/', $line, $matches); if ($matches) { $currentname = trim($matches[1]); }; # Non-commented lines are email addresses $line = strtolower(trim(preg_replace("/\n/", "", $line))); if ($this->email == $line) { $this->name = $currentname; # Set the 'register' flag $this->registered = True; } } } function ReadHtmlDefs ($filename) { if (!isset($filename)) { $filename=$this->htmlconfig_file; } # Return (quietly) if file does not exist if (!file_exists($filename)) { print("Cannot open HTML settings file on disk: $filename\n"); return; } $content = file($filename); # Now extract, line by line, the linelists and parameters foreach ($content as $line) { $line = preg_replace("/\n/", "", $line); $fields = preg_split('/\s+/', $line, 2); if (count($fields) != 2) { continue; } # Cleanup whitespace for ($j=0; $jhtml_defaults[$fields[0]] = $fields[1]; # print "$fields[0] - $fields[1]
\n"; } } function SaveHtmlDefs ($filename) { # Update the filename if given explicitly - otherwise use default if (!isset($filename)) { $filename=$this->htmlconfig_file; } $output = array(); foreach ($this->html_defaults as $key => $value) { $output[] = "$key\t$value\n"; } WriteFile($filename, $output); } } #################################################################################################################### class LineList { # This class defines a single linelist, with identifiers for its # name, parameters and 'commented' boolean (indicating if the list # is active). Also some flags indicating differences with the default # linelist var $name = ""; var $id = 0; var $params = array(); var $commented = False; var $mod_comment = False; var $mod_params = array(); function __construct ($name, $id, $params, $commented) { # Generating function $this->name = $name; $this->id = $id; $this->params = $params; $this->commented = $commented; for ($i=1; $imod_params[$i] = False; } } } #################################################################################################################### class PersConfig { # Quite an extended class that defines the complete personal configuration # file for a single user, including all linelists. Functions for manipulating # the linelists and reading/writing/comparing are provided var $filename = ""; var $hiddenparam = array(); var $linelists = array(); var $n_linelists = 0; function __construct ($filename) { # Generating function if ($filename) { $this->ReadFile($filename); } } function AddLineList ($commented, $parameters) { # Add one linelist to the set of linelists $nlists = $this->n_linelists; $dummy = preg_match("/'(.*)'/", $parameters[14], $matches); $this->linelists[$nlists] = new LineList($matches[1], $parameters[1], $parameters, $commented); $this->n_linelists++; } function DeleteLineList ($index) { # Remove a linelist from the set of linelists unset($this->linelists[$index]); # Reindex the array (don't forget this, or the indices will be screwed up) $this->linelists = array_values($this->linelists); $this->n_linelists--; } function ReadFile ($filename) { # Read a personal configuration file from disk $this->filename = $filename; # print "Reading $this->filename
\n"; # Return (quietly) if file does not exist if (!file_exists($filename)) { # trigger_error("Cannot open personal configuration file on disk"); return; } $content = file($filename); # Extract the first four parameters from the first line # Currently called 'hidden' parameters, since the # user cannot modify these (yet) $content[0] = preg_replace("/\n/", "", $content[0]); $this->hiddenparam = preg_split('/,/', $content[0]); for ($j=0; $jhiddenparam)-1; $j++) { $this->hiddenparam[$j] = trim($this->hiddenparam[$j]); } # Now extract, line by line, the linelists and parameters for ($i=1; $iAddLineList($commented, $fields); } } function WriteFile ($filename="") { # Write a personal configuration file to disk # Update the filename if given explicitly - otherwise use default if ($filename != "") { $this->filename = $filename; } $output = array(); # Store the 'hidden' parameters for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++) { $output[] = "{$this->hiddenparam[$i]},"; } $output[] = "\n"; # Now write, line by line, each linelist and parameters for ($i=0; $i<$this->n_linelists; $i++) { # OLD LOGIC: Skip linelists that are not yet integrated in the user's # own selection # if (isset($this->linelists[$i]->newly_added)) { # continue; # } if ($this->linelists[$i]->commented) { $output[] = ";"; } $output[] = "'{$this->linelists[$i]->params[0]}', "; for ($j=1; $j<14; $j++) { $output[] = "{$this->linelists[$i]->params[$j]}, "; } # Treat last parameter seperately (no comma, but newline) $output[] = "{$this->linelists[$i]->params[14]}\n"; } # Now do the actual writing to file WriteFile($this->filename, $output); } function FindLineList ($id) { # Extract the correct index number from the user's linelists for ($i=0; $i<$this->n_linelists; $i++) { if ($this->linelists[$i]->id == $id) { #print "Found: {$id}
\n"; return $i; } } # If no linelist was found, return -1 return -1; } function SortLineLists () { # Sort the set of linelists by identifier $id_list = array(); # Create an index array for ($i=0; $i<$this->n_linelists; $i++) { $id_list[$i] = $this->linelists[$i]->id; } # Sort the index array sort($id_list, $sort_flags=SORT_NUMERIC); $new_linelists = array(); # Reshuffle the set of linelists for ($i=0; $i<$this->n_linelists; $i++) { $index = $this->FindLineList($id_list[$i]); #print "$i/{$id_list[$i]}/$index
\n"; $new_linelists[$i] = $this->linelists[$index]; } # Assign the sorted set of linelist $this->linelists = $new_linelists; } function MakeHTML ($query) { # Create HTML output for the individual linelists # Not the nicest of functions, since it includes # HTML output, but it should go somewhere... # Start with empty array $output = array(); # Am I supposed to make a linelist editable - if yes, which? if (isset($query['action'])) { if ($query['action'] == 'edit') { $edit = $query['editid']; } } else { $edit = 0; } # Possible debugging output: #$output[]="Filename: $this->filename\n"; # Here one could make some of the 'hidden' parameters editable # #for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++) { # $output[] = "hiddenparam[$i]}\">\n"; #} # Step through all linelists for ($i=0; $i<$this->n_linelists; $i++) { # If this is the linelist that should be editable, modify the HTML output appropriately if ($edit == $this->linelists[$i]->params[1]) { $output[] = "linelists[$i]->newly_added)) { # $output[] = " class=\"new_data\""; #} $output[] = ">{$this->linelists[$i]->id}linelists[$i]->mod_comment) { $output[] = " class=\"modified_data\""; } $output[] = ">linelists[$i]->commented) { $output[] = "checked "; } $output[] = "name=\"linelist-checked\">\n"; # Output the descriptive name of the linelist $output[] = "{$this->linelists[$i]->name}\n"; # These are internal parameters, and cannot be modified by the user for ($j=1; $j<5; $j++) { $output[] = "linelists[$i]->params[$j]}\">\n"; } # Now, the editable parameters for ($j=5; $j<14; $j++) { $output[] = "linelists[$i]->mod_params[$j]) { $output[] = " class=\"modified_data\""; } $output[] = ">linelists[$i]->params[$j]}\" size=2>\n"; } # Create some options $output[] = "Save\n"; $output[] = "Cancel\n"; $output[] = "Restore VALD default\n"; # 'Normal' output : } else { $output[] = "linelists[$i]->newly_added)) { # $output[] = " class=\"new_data\""; #} $output[] = ">{$this->linelists[$i]->id}linelists[$i]->mod_comment) { $output[] = " class=\"modified_data\""; } $output[] = ">"; if (!$this->linelists[$i]->commented) { $output[] = " X "; } else $output[] = "   "; # Output the descriptive name of the linelist $output[] = "{$this->linelists[$i]->name}\n"; # Output the parameters for ($j=5; $j<14; $j++) { $output[] = "linelists[$i]->mod_params[$j]) { $output[] = " class=\"modified_data\""; } $output[] = ">{$this->linelists[$i]->params[$j]}\n"; } if ($edit != 0) { # When editing another linelist, output nothing here (no options) $output[] = "  
\n"; } else { # When browsing only, list options for each linelist #if (isset($this->linelists[$i]->newly_added)) { # # If the linelist is new, allow the user to add it # $output[] = "Add\n"; # $output[] = "Add all\n"; #} else { # For existing linelist, allow the user to edit it $output[] = "Edit\n"; #} } } } # Save the total number of linelists $output[] = "n_linelists}\">\n"; return $output; } function Update ($query) { # Modify the parameters of a linelist from the submitted form data $params = array(); # Get the corresponding linelist $index = $this->FindLineList($query["editid"]); # Extract each parameter from the submitted form data for ($j=1; $j<14; $j++) { if (isset($query["edit-val-{$j}"]) and is_numeric($query["edit-val-{$j}"])) { $params[$j] = $query["edit-val-{$j}"]; } } # Update the 'commented' flag $commented = !isset($query["linelist-checked"]); # Update the values in the linelist for ($j=1; $j<14; $j++) { $this->linelists[$index]->params[$j] = $params[$j]; } $this->linelists[$index]->commented = $commented; # If this linelist was recently added, accept it now into the user's configuration if (isset($this->linelists[$index]->newly_added)) { unset($this->linelists[$index]->newly_added); } } function Restore ($otherconfig, $query) { # Restore a particular linelist to its value from another (default) config file $ids_to_restore = array(); if ($query["action"] == "restore_all") { # Restore all list? for ($j=0; $j<$this->n_linelists; $j++) { #if (isset($this->linelists[$j]->newly_added)) { $ids_to_restore[] = $this->linelists[$j]->id; #} } } else { # Or, restore only one single list? $ids_to_restore[] = $query["editid"]; } # Now loop to restore each list for ($i=0; $iFindLineList($ids_to_restore[$i]); $otherindex = $otherconfig->FindLineList($ids_to_restore[$i]); # Copy the contents and reset the 'modified' flags $this->linelists[$index]->commented = $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->commented; for ($j=0; $j<15; $j++) { $this->linelists[$index]->params[$j] = $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->params[$j]; $this->linelists[$index]->mod_params[$j] = False; } $this->linelists[$index]->mod_comment = False; # Remove the 'newly_added' flag, since it is now part of the user's configuration if (isset($this->linelists[$index]->newly_added)) { unset($this->linelists[$index]->newly_added); } } } function Compare ($otherconfig) { # Compare the current linelist against another (default?) linelist # No modification of the actual data, except for the 'hidden' parameters, is done here # Check and modify the hidden parameters. This can in the future be (re)moved, since # we might want to give the user control over these values. for ($j=0; $jhiddenparam); $j++) { if (!isset($this->hiddenparam[$j])) { #print "Adding hidden parameter $j:{$otherconfig->hiddenparam[$j]}
\n"; $this->hiddenparam[$j] = $otherconfig->hiddenparam[$j]; } } # Prepare array for lists to delete (one cannot do removal in the loop below, because that # would force a change to the loop index counter $ids_to_delete = array(); # Now loop over all lists for ($i=0; $i<$this->n_linelists; $i++) { # Get the indices right $index = $this->FindLineList($this->linelists[$i]->id); $otherindex = $otherconfig->FindLineList($this->linelists[$i]->id); #print "$i-$index-$otherindex.. "; # If the user's list does not exist in the other linelist, remove it # (Removing a list has happened before!) if ($otherindex == -1) { $ids_to_delete[] = $this->linelists[$index]->id; continue; } # If this lists refers to a filename that is different from the default config, # or if the the descriptor of a linelist has changed, then there has evidently # been an update to the default linelist. So, remove the entry in the user's list. if ( ($this->linelists[$index]->params[0] != $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->params[0]) or ($this->linelists[$index]->name != $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->name) ) { #print "{$this->linelists[$index]->name} ({$this->linelists[$index]->id})
"; $ids_to_delete[] = $this->linelists[$index]->id; continue; } # Check if the linelist is commented out - report if different if ($this->linelists[$i]->commented != $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->commented) { $this->linelists[$i]->mod_comment = True; } # Check all individual parameters, and report if different for ($j=0; $j<14; $j++) { if ($this->linelists[$i]->params[$j] != $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->params[$j]) { $this->linelists[$i]->mod_params[$j] = True; } } } # Now delete any linelists that were scheduled for removal for ($i=0; $iFindLineList($ids_to_delete[$i]); # Now delete the appropriate list #print "Deleting list ID {$this->linelists[$index]->id} or {$ids_to_delete[$i]}?}.. \n
"; $this->DeleteLineList($index); } # Now check if any new list appears in the other (default) linelist... # Note, the loop is now over the *other* linelist! for ($i=0; $i<$otherconfig->n_linelists; $i++) { # Get the indices right $index = $this->FindLineList($otherconfig->linelists[$i]->id); $otherindex = $otherconfig->FindLineList($otherconfig->linelists[$i]->id); #print "$otherindex ({$otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->id}) = $index ({$this->linelists[$index]->id}), "; # Missing list? if ($index == -1) { # If the list is unknown, add it to the user's list $this->AddLineList(True, $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->params); $newindex = $this->FindLineList($otherconfig->linelists[$i]->id); # Copy the contents and reset the 'modified' flags $this->linelists[$newindex]->commented = $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->commented; for ($j=0; $j<15; $j++) { $this->linelists[$newindex]->params[$j] = $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->params[$j]; $this->linelists[$newindex]->mod_params[$j] = False; } # And, mark it as a newly added linelist! $this->linelists[$newindex]->newly_added = True; if ($this->linelists[$newindex]->commented != $otherconfig->linelists[$otherindex]->commented) { $this->linelists[$newindex]->mod_comment = True; } } } } } #################################################################################################################### # 3 - MAIN SECTION #################################################################################################################### # Force to relocate to Uppsala server #if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'vald.astro.uu.se') { # header('Location: http://vald.astro.uu.se/~vald/php/vald.php'); # exit; #} # Read configuration files... # # First the local config: include('../../config/site_config_local.php'); # Then the master config: include('../../config/site_config_master.php'); # Add these config values to the 'replace' array. $replace = $config; # Gather all query data, whether submitted with 'POST' or 'GET' # Use htmlentities to safely escape malicious injected HTML $QUERY = array(); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $QUERY[$key] = htmlentities($value); } foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $QUERY[$key] = htmlentities($value); } # Add all extracted keys to the string replacement list foreach ($QUERY as $key=>$value) { $replace[$key] = $value; # print "$key = '$value'\n"; } # Start PHP session, and set caching default session_cache_limiter('private'); session_start(); # Extract the local svn version number exec("svnversion ${config['VALD_root']}", $svnversion); #Construct array for displaying version number $version_HTML[] = "

Server: ${config['sitename']}

\n"; $version_HTML[] = "

Version: $svnversion[0]\n"; # Define default frame contents : $topleft_HTML = $version_HTML; # file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "version.html"); $topright_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "topform_not_logged_in.html"); $navigation_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "navigate.html"); $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['documentation_dir']}", "/about_vald.html"); # Handle logout situation... if (isset($QUERY['page'])) { if ($QUERY['page'] == 'logout') { unset($QUERY['page']); unset($QUERY['user']); unset($_SESSION); session_destroy(); $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "logout.html"); } } # Handle login situation etc... if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { # OK - we're dealing with a user in session # so let's extract the useful variable(s) $user = $_SESSION['user']; $user->Validate($config['clients_register']); # Register may have changed since last use... $user->Validate($config['clients_register_local']); # Also check the local register if ($user->registered) { $replace['email'] = $user->email; $replace['fullname'] = $user->name; $topright_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "topform_logged_in.html"); # Extract personal defaults foreach ($user->html_defaults as $key => $value) { if (!isset($replace[$key])) { # Only overwrite with user pref if not $replace[$key] = $value; # provided earlier (through form submission) } } } } else { # Well, no known user from session data # Then, if a username was given - let's try to login if (isset($QUERY['user'])) { $replace['email'] = $QUERY['user']; $user = new User($QUERY['user']); $user->Validate($config['clients_register']); if (!$user->registered) { $user->Validate($config['clients_register_local']); if ($user->registered) { $user->localuser = True; } } if ($user->registered) { $replace['fullname'] = $user->name; if ($user->localuser) { $user->persconfig_file = "{$config['persconfig_dir']}/" . trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", "", $user->name)) . ".cfg_local"; $user->htmlconfig_file = "{$config['persconfig_dir']}/" . trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", "", $user->name)) . "-HTMLdefs.cfg_local"; } else { $user->persconfig_file = "{$config['persconfig_dir']}/" . trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", "", $user->name)) . ".cfg"; $user->htmlconfig_file = "{$config['persconfig_dir']}/" . trim(preg_replace("/\s+/", "", $user->name)) . "-HTMLdefs.cfg"; } # First read the default settings.... if (!file_exists($config['htmlconfig_default'])) { print("ERROR: Cannot open default html configuration file"); } else { $user->ReadHtmlDefs($config['htmlconfig_default']); } # Only to be overwritten by the user's own preferences. This makes it possible to extend the # number of options in the future. if (file_exists($user->htmlconfig_file)) { $user->ReadHtmlDefs($user->htmlconfig_file); } # Now perform a pre-emptive save, in order to absorb any recently added unit definitions $user->SaveHtmlDefs($user->htmlconfig_file); # Attach all user data to the session variable $_SESSION['user'] = $user; $topright_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "topform_logged_in.html"); # And make sure the user gets to read the latest news item $QUERY['newsitem'] = 0; } else { $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "notregistered.html"); session_destroy(); } } else { # Unkown user, or no attempt to login... # No point in continuing this session. if (isset($_SESSION)) { session_destroy(); } # Create a dummy user (which will be flagged as 'unregistered') $user = new User(); } } # Documentation is accessible for all... if (isset($QUERY["docpage"])) { if (file_exists("{$config['documentation_dir']}/{$QUERY['docpage']}")) { $docpage = $QUERY['docpage']; $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['documentation_dir']}/", "${docpage}"); } } # Display news items... (also accessible for all) if (isset($QUERY["newsitem"])) { $output_header = array(); $output_header[] = "

Latest news from the VALD consortium :

"; $output_header[] = "

"; $filelist = glob("{$config['news_dir']}/[0-9]*", 1); $filelist = array_reverse($filelist); $output_filelist = array(); #$output_filelist[] = "

More news items : "; for ($i=0; $i\n"; $output_filelist[] = basename($filelist[$i]); $output_filelist[] = ", \n"; } $output_filelist[] = "

"; $content_HTML1 = array_merge($output_header); $content_HTML2 = array_merge($output_filelist); $content_HTML3 = file("{$filelist[$QUERY['newsitem']]}"); $content_HTML = array_merge($content_HTML1, $content_HTML2, $content_HTML3); unset($content_HTML1); unset($content_HTML2); unset($content_HTML3); } # Handle request pages and personal config stuff... if (isset($QUERY['page'])) { # Accessible only for users that are logged-in... if (!$user->registered) { $error = "You are no longer logged in. Please log in and try again."; } else { if ($QUERY['page'] == 'saveunits') { foreach ($user->html_defaults as $keyword => $dummy) { # print "$keyword - "; if (isset($QUERY["$keyword"])) { $newvalue = $QUERY["$keyword"]; # print "$newvalue"; $user->html_defaults[$keyword] = $newvalue; $replace[$keyword] = $newvalue; $replace["unitsupdated"] = "True"; } # print "
\n"; } $user->SaveHtmlDefs(); $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "unitselection.html"); } if ($QUERY['page'] == 'persconf') { if (!file_exists($config['persconfig_default'])) { print("ERROR: Cannot open default personal configuration file"); } else { $default = new PersConfig("{$config['persconfig_default']}"); $persconf = new PersConfig("$user->persconfig_file"); # If no personal config was found, read the default instead if ($persconf->n_linelists == 0) { unset($persconf); $persconf = new PersConfig("{$config['persconfig_default']}"); $persconf->filename = $user->persconfig_file; } $persconf->Compare($default); $persconf->SortLineLists(); if (isset($QUERY['action'])) { if ($QUERY['action'] == 'save') { $persconf->Update($QUERY); $persconf->Compare($default); } if (($QUERY['action'] == 'restore') or ($QUERY['action'] == 'restore_all')) { $persconf->Restore($default, $QUERY); $persconf->Compare($default); } } $persconf->WriteFile(); $content_HTML1 = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "persconf-start.html"); $content_HTML2 = $persconf->MakeHTML($QUERY); $content_HTML3 = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "persconf-end.html"); $content_HTML = array_merge($content_HTML1, $content_HTML2, $content_HTML3); unset($content_HTML1); unset($content_HTML2); unset($content_HTML3); } } else { if (file_exists("{$config['html_template_dir']}/${QUERY['page']}")) { $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "${QUERY['page']}"); } } } } # Handle submitted requests... if (isset($QUERY['reqtype'])) { if ($QUERY['reqtype'] == 'contact') { # Accessible for anybody - this is where we (should) get our new users from... $mail_template = file_contents("{$config['request_template_dir']}/", "contact-req.txt"); # Apply quick spam check if ( isset($QUERY['message']) ) { if ( SpamCheck($QUERY['message']) ) { $mail_content = ""; foreach ($mail_template as $line) { $mail_content .= EditLine($line, $replace); } if (safe_mail($config["{$QUERY['manager']}"], $QUERY['subject'], $mail_content, $config['send_request_from'])) { $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "confirmcontact.html"); } else { $error = "A problem occured when processing your input."; } } else { $error = "Your message was rejected because the content was classed as spam."; } } } else { # Accessible only for users that are logged-in... if ((!$user->registered)) { $error = "You are no longer logged in. Please log in and try again."; } else { if ($QUERY['reqtype'] == 'showline-online') { $content_HTML = array(); $req_template = file_contents("{$config['request_template_dir']}/", "showline-online-req.txt"); $replace["configfile"] = $config['persconfig_default']; if ($QUERY['pconf'] == 'personal') { if (file_exists($user->persconfig_file)) { $replace["configfile"] = $user->persconfig_file; } else { $content_HTML[] = "NOTE: Custom configuration file does not (yet) exist for \$fullname.
"; $content_HTML[] = "Using default configuration instead.

"; } } foreach ($req_template as $line) { $req_content .= EditLine($line, $replace); } $arguments = " -html"; if (isset($QUERY['isotopic_scaling'])) { if ($QUERY['isotopic_scaling'] == 'off') { $arguments .= " -noisotopic"; } } $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("file", "/tmp/error-output.txt", "a") // stderr is a file to write to ); $process = proc_open("{$config['VALD_root']}/bin/showline4.1" . $arguments, $descriptorspec, $pipes, NULL, NULL); if (is_resource($process)) { // $pipes now looks like this: // 0 => writeable handle connected to child stdin // 1 => readable handle connected to child stdout // Any error output will be appended to /tmp/error-output.txt fwrite($pipes[0], $req_content); fclose($pipes[0]); while (!feof($pipes[1])) { $line = stream_get_line($pipes[1], 10000, "\n"); $content_HTML[] = "$line\n"; } fclose($pipes[1]); // It is important that you close any pipes before calling // proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock $return_value = proc_close($process); } } else { $mail_template = file_contents("{$config['request_template_dir']}/", "${QUERY['reqtype']}-req.txt"); $mail_content = ""; foreach ($mail_template as $line) { $mail_content .= EditLine($line, $replace); } if (safe_mail($config['send_request_to'], $QUERY['subject'], $mail_content, $user->email)) { $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "confirmsubmitted.html"); } else { $error = "A problem occured when processing your input\n"; } } } } } # Display error page if necessary... if (isset($error)) { $replace['error'] = $error; $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "error.html"); } # Display maintenance page if necessary... if (($user->registered) and ($config['maintenance'] == True)) { $content_HTML = file_contents("{$config['html_template_dir']}/", "maintenance.html"); } # Finally, get the stylesheet $stylesheet = file("{$config['style_file']}"); # Create and output the final HTML page... MakeAllHTML($stylesheet, $topleft_HTML, $topright_HTML, $navigation_HTML, $content_HTML, $replace); # That's it! ?>